
LoBind 低蛋白吸附管

Whether used in proteomics or other areas of protein research, Eppendorf Protein LoBind Tubes are specifically designed to ensure you get the highest possible protein recovery. Recover more valuable protein samples for accurate downstream analysis an

商家询价 北京百奥创新科技有限公司

0.2ml 薄壁平盖PCR管

产品材质:高纯度PP聚丙烯; 产品特征:超薄设计、壁厚一致均匀的工艺使得热传导精确、控温准确、减少实验循环时间; 产品质量:通过严格的质控和认证确保产品无DNase、无RNase、蛋白酶及致热源,内毒素含量控制在安全标准内。

商家询价 杭州金源生物技术有限公司

Eppendorf Safe-Lock Tubes, 0.5 mL,Red

Say goodbye to the loss of precious samples during centrifugation, incubation and storage! Confidence in the superior protection provided by the hinged Safe-Lock cover, the result of 50 years of continuous improvement and development. Original Eppend

商家询价 北京百奥创新科技有限公司


axygen PCR-02-A 0,2ml彩色平盖PCR薄壁管 1000 Tubes / 包, 10 包 / 箱

商家询价 上海兆吉生物科技有限公司